In today's drawing tutorial, we will learn to draw a great white shark. As usual, we will draw step-by-step.
White sharks are large, bulky fishes with bodies shaped like blunt torpedoes. They have a sharply pointed conical snout, large pectoral and dorsal fins, and a strong crescent-shaped tail. Only the belly of white sharks is whitish. They have a contrasting dark blue, gray, or brown pattern on their back and sides. They are amazing hunters armed with strong muscles, good eyesight, and a keen sense of smell. In addition, their massive jaws are armed with large, sharply pointed, coarsely serrated teeth.
Step 1. Outline the shape of the white shark
Outline the white shark's body with a few lines. Also, mark its eye and fins as shown below.

Step 2. Draw additional details to the white shark drawing
Continue adding lines to give our shark a form. Draw the dorsal and pectoral fins. Then, draw the bottom line for the caudal fin. Outline the white shark's mouth.

Step 3. Continue adding necessary shark body details
Continue adding details to our shark drawing, completing the fins, and adding the lines for gill slits.

Step 4. Draw the head and mouth of the white shark
Draw the shark's mouth in more detail, aiming to give it depth. Then, start drawing the teeth of our shark.

Step 5. Start shading the parts of the shark
We want to give our shark volume so that it looks like a torpedo with a torpedo and has shaded parts. As usual, imagine a source of light that likely comes from the top and start adding shades below the shark.

Step 6. Shade the top of the shark
While the bottom of the shark is in the shade, it is also the white part of its body. The top of the shark is usually grey or grey-blue. You will want to show both the transition from dark to white and also show shading on the bottom. You can continue to work with the below drawing to give it a more finished feel if you would like.

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