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How to draw a flying bird with a pencil. Step-by-step drawing tutorial

Updated: Apr 3

In one of the previous drawing tutorials, we already drew a bird: How to draw a bird with a pencil. This time, we will draw a flying bird. This is an interesting task as we aim to draw a flying bird in motion with open wings. I hope you will find this drawing tutorial interesting and master drawing a flying bird.

Step 1. Draw the contour of the flying bird, its tail, wings, and feet

In the first step of our drawing tutorial, we outline the contour of the bird's body, its head, wing, tail, and feet. We draw the feathers in our bird's wing and tail in this step. We also draw lines on the chest and cheek of our bird. These lines denote the dark and light parts of the bird's body.

How to draw a flying bird with a pencil. Step 1. Outline the contour of the flying bird, its tail, wings, and feet

Step 2. Color black the bird's head and chest

Using the original lines on the bird's head and chest, we now color the head and the chest black. The black feathers also go into our bird's tail and the tips of the feathers in the bird's wings. As you can see, for now, we keep the bird's feet white but highlight the bottom of the feet and claws with black to show that they are shaded.

How to draw a flying bird with a pencil. Step 2. Color black the bird's head and chest

Step 3. Color the flying bird's wing and tail

Continue coloring the wings and tail of the flying bird. We also need to color grey the transition between black and white on the side of the bird's body. Lastly, color the bird's feet with grey.

How to draw a flying bird with a pencil. Step 3. Color the flying bird's wing and tail

Step 4. Continue shading the body, wings, head, and tail of our flying bird

Color the side of the white spots on the side of the flying bird's head and body. Also, highlight the feathers in the bird's wing. In the same way, highlight the bird's feet to make sure they stand out.

How to draw a flying bird with a pencil. Step 4. Continue shading the body, wings, head, and tail of our flying bird

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