Inside Out 2 is coming out soon. I loved the first Inside Out movie and hope the second one will be as good. While we wait for the movie, we will draw Joy's character from the Inside Out cartoon. As usual, we will go through the drawing process in a step-by-step tutorial. Hope you will learn how to draw Joy from Inside Out and will find it interesting.
We will copy Joy's body position from the Inside Out poster below.

Step 1. Draw the axis of the body parts and head of Joy from Inside Out
Start the drawing process by outlining the axis of Joy's body, legs, arms, and head. This is a cartoon character, so the proportions of the head-to-body are off. The head takes a third of Joy's height.

Step 2. Using the original lines, outline the body of Joy from Inside Out
Now that we have drawn out the axis of Joy's body, arms, and legs, we move to the next step. We need to give volume to her body. We draw the arms, body, and legs in more detail. While we draw the parts of Joy's body, we also draw the joints between them to understand better how the body curves and bends. We also need to draw her hands.

Step 3. Draw Joy's dress
As we have drawn the body and its joints, we draw the dress over it. The lines under the dress show how to overlay the dress over it.

Step 4. Draw over the original lines to refine the details of Joy's body
Now that we are more or less happy with our rough drawing, we start erasing the auxiliary lines. We also go over the lines that we want to keep improving and darkening them.

Step 5. Outline the eyes, nose, and mouth of Joy from Inside Out
In this step, we cleaned the drawing by removing the original lines. Next, we start drawing the face of Joy from Inside Out. We draw Joy's eyes, nose, and smiling mouth.

Step 6. Continue detailing Joy's face
Continue drawing Joy's face by drawing her teeth, eyes, iris, and pupils.

Step 7. Draw Joy's face and hair
In this step, we drew Joy's lips and tongue and shaded her eyes. Next, draw Joy's hair.

Step 8. Finalize the drawing of Joy from Inside Out
This is the final step as we finalize the Joy from Inside Out drawing. We shade Joy's hair and her body. We also add a pattern to her dress. Our drawing tutorial on how to draw Joy from Inside Out is done.

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Can you please create a tutorial on How to Draw a Skeksis from the Dark Crystal on April 16,2024?